The aim of this paper is to prove the hypothesis that the application of project methods in foreign language lessons shows that students achieve good results in learning a foreign language, have a practical opportunity to apply the skills acquired in computer science lessons. The main advantages of the project method are: increasing the motivation of students in learning English, visual integration of knowledge in different subjects, space for creative activity. A project is an opportunity for students to express their own ideas in a creative form that is convenient for them: making collages, announcements, conducting interviews and research etc. The most important thing is that the child, not the teacher, determines what the project will contain, in what form and how it will be presented. Achieving the goal of the project is subject to all actions developed by students and teachers: the study of the necessary lexical and grammatical units, search for sources of information, selection of the necessary information, design and presentation of results. In teaching foreign languages, the project method allows students to use the language in real-life situations, which contributes to better learning and consolidation of foreign language skills. Methods used in the study: general scientific (analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction), methods of theoretical research (from abstract to concrete), historical method.
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