Keywords: care of the self, antropotechniques, human being, anthropological practice, exercise culture, identity


The article considers the anthropological aspects of the philosophical heritage of the famous German philosopher P. Sloterdijk. On the basis of learning of the work of the philosopher “You must change your life”, there were highlighted and analyzed the key concepts, with the help of which it is realized the deployment of the theoretical construct “care of the self.” These are such concepts as “teacher”, “mentor”, “tutor”, “school”, “identity”, “vertical stress”, “Philosophy “, “habit.” It develops the idea that the philosophy of P. Sloterdijk appears in its practical incarnation in the techniques anthropotechniques. Previous attempts to change the world have failed, says Sloterdijk. Moreover, if practices do not work, theory must look for other solutions. Sloterdijk turns to ancient philosophical thought, to Buddhism, to the techniques of meditation and asceticism, to the masters of modern literature, to reflections on contemporary sports culture. These considerations of P. Sloterdijk acquire special value and relevance in view of the fact that the modern Ukrainian education system, continues to cultivate the training of highly specialized specialists, subjects of production, not their own life activities.


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How to Cite
Ivchenko, H. (2022). THE PRACTICAL APPLICATION OF PHILOSOPHY AS INTERPRETED BY P. SLOTERDIJK. Scientific Journal of Polonia University, 47(4), 27-33.