Keywords: socio-cultural reality, “Big Bang”, valorization, mediator, cultural foundationalism


A specific feature of the modern world is the capitalization of not only ideas, objects, social practices and institutions, but of the world itself. Branding is a special process, allowing the construction of an acceptable picture of reality that is independent of the practices of care and political domination. It initially focuses on a desired and expected target. The main topic of the present research is the phenomenon of the “Big Bang” in the cultural and social field. The analysis of transformation of scientific theory into a metaphor of sociocultural reality enables us to trace the mechanism of symbolic creation in modern society. Its study contributes to revealing the peculiarities in redistribution of symbolic capital as well as benefits and privileges that a «world-brand» has in comparison with “world-pictures”, “world views” and other forms of symbolic capital. The “world-brand” as a result of symbolic creation in the cultures of post-industrial civilization can be represented in the explicit parameters.


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How to Cite
Jankowski, S. (2022). “BRANDING” OF THE WORLD: A SOCIO-CULTURAL ANALYSIS OF HUMAN PERCEPTION OF THE WORLD. Scientific Journal of Polonia University, 47(4), 34-39. https://doi.org/10.23856/4705