Keywords: conceptual picture of the world, semantic groups, verbalization, nomination, lexemes, lexical units, lexical value


The term "concept" has a number of definitions, but there is no universal one. The concept is one of the basic phenomena of modern linguistics. The concept is a mental formation, which is the result of a person’s cognitive activity and contains information about the objects of the surrounding reality. The concept can be defined as is a global unit on the mental level that represents and structures human knowledge of both material and spiritual worlds. The concept content can be divided into its linguistic significance and a cultural interpretation, so the concept is often called a unit of knowledge, an abstract idea or a mental symbol. The concept of "pandemic" can be considered a key element included in the linguistic picture of the world of every language nowadays. The structure of the concept is represented by three basic components: in the image, information content and interpretation field. The concept of “Pandemic” can be classified into into 7 subgroups, the lexical units of which are in the center of the lexical-semantic group and are close to the value of the nucleus, which can in its turn be subdivided into 3 subgroups.


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How to Cite
Sharapanovska, Y. (2022). “PANDEMIC” CONCEPT IN THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE. Scientific Journal of Polonia University, 47(4), 81-88. https://doi.org/10.23856/4710