In the provisions of the scientific article, the author analyzes the formation of cooperation between the Member States of the European Community in the field of protection of cultural property since the introduction of the single European market in 1993 and to the present day. This study presents the formation of cooperation in the field of export of cultural values. It was found that special control has been established, and the criteria for issuing licenses for the export of cultural property are the items’ age and value. Particular attention is paid to the peculiarities of legal regulation and cooperation in the field of return of cultural objects illegally moved from the territory of an EU member state. It is determined that in order to combat the illicit trafficking of cultural property, the current legislation has expanded opportunities for cooperation and exchange of information between Member States. Greater emphasis is placed on the development of cooperation in the field of import of cultural values from non-EU countries, which provides for the creation of a centralized electronic database of imported cultural values.
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