Keywords: iron deficiency, adolescent, ferritin, screening, anemia


The aim: Substantiation of the expediency of screening for iron deficiency in adolescents of Ukraine, determining the relationship between blood ferritin levels and erythrocyte indices. Materials and methods: The literature data analizys and laboratory examinations of 699 patients in medical records throughout Ukraine in children aged 10-19 who applied for medical care in 2018. Results: According to the obtained data we found that there is no significant difference between the ferritin level (p = 0.728) between groups of urban and rural territory of inhabitance (p = 0.728)/ Total amount of children aged 10-15 years with ferritin below normal 7 ng / ml was 16.3%, of which men 7.7%, women 92.3%. According to European guidelines for the determination of iron deficiency, the number of children with ferritin levels less than 30 ng / ml in this group is 63%, of which men 15.9% and women 84.1%. in a group aged 16 (297 results) the number of male children with ferritin levels less than 22 ng / ml is 12%, and female children with ferritin levels less than 10 ng / ml – 31%. According to WHO recommendations with a rate of 30 ng / ml, the number of people with lower rates was 24% males 69% females. Conclusion: When using the reference values recommended by the WHO for the European region as a criterion for iron deficiency, the percentage of adolescents with iron deficiency increases mainly by 2 times in both the male and female groups.


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How to Cite
Matiukha, L., & Perig, I. (2022). EXPENDITURE OF IRON DEFICIENCY SCREENING IN ADOLESCENTS BY DETERMINATION OF BLOOD FERRITIN. Scientific Journal of Polonia University, 47(4), 151-157. https://doi.org/10.23856/4718