The article assessed the condition of the coherent properties of experimental water samples from natural sources in comparison with the results of a biological growth test. Carried out кirlianographic (Ki-photograph) study of 3 water samples from the natural springs of Skhidnitsa, including one sample from the pump room, were carried out. Present the criteria for coherent water for experimentally prepared using distilled water (KGD) and natural drinking water (KGP). According to the data presented, it can be seen that, according to the predominant features of the experimental water samples, the properties of the following coherence types are inherent in them: water from source 1 – coherent levorotatory 1st and 3rd degrees of coherence (52% and 17% of signs, respectively); water from the source 26 – coherent both types of direction, more levorotatory 1st degree (42% of signs) and dextrorotatory 1st degree (17%); water from source 10 (pump room) – coherent of both types of direction, more dextrorotatory, mainly with the 1st degree of coherence (46%), and the presence of levorotatory coherence of the 1st (21%) and 3rd degrees (21%). The presented results of biological growth demonstrate their differences among themselves, as well as the established properties of experimental water samples in terms of its coherence properties. It is necessary to further develop the direction of studying fine-material processes in water by the method of kirlianphotography with the development of an automated analysis of kirlianograms.
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