The article aims to improve the interaction between society and persons with disabilities. The author has found the interrelation between a person with a disability and Paul Tillich’s “the courage to be”. The research attempts to convince the public of the need to involve persons with disabilities, as representatives who are aware of a disability, in inclusive education. As a result of the re-use of L. Wittgenstein’s method and “pedagogy of experience” by V. Bederkhanova and I. Shustova, a mutually beneficial synthesis between experience and practice in the dimension of coexistence has been established. The objective necessity of simultaneous use of performance and performativity in pedagogical practice has been analyzed and described. The definition of “bilateral” or “double” inclusion has been formulated. The use of “bilateral inclusion” will expand the social boundaries for persons with disabilities and provide the necessary experience in the pedagogical realm for both children with disabilities and healthy children. The analysis and conclusions prove the effectiveness of involving persons who have faced a disability in an inclusive environment.
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