The aim of the article is to investigate the phenomenon of intermediality in 2015 novel The Buried Giant by the British writer Kazuo Ishiguro. Particular attention is paid to the notion of “literary cinematographicness” (also known as cinematic or filmic mode), which is defined as the use of cinematic techniques and effects in literature, thus creating the effect of multimodality, with a dramatic-intensive flow of events in the text. Analyzing examples from Ishiguro’s novel, the article focuses on such elements of literary cinematographicness as the prevalent audio-visual modality, with an in-depth semantics of sensory images and characters’ non-verbal language; the abundance of audial and visual special effects; as well as incorporating different shots sizes, perspectives, and angles that produce the effect of multidimensional space in the recipient’s mind. Furthermore, the novel’s central motif of memory and recollections determines its non-linear chronotope, with such cinematic techniques as montage, dynamic frame shots, and flashbacks becoming instrumental in depicting the complex spatio-temporal relations between the scattered scenes and images.
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