STEAM is actively implemented in the modern educational space of Ukraine. This is due to the fact that one of the important tasks of education is the comprehensive development of the growing generation, their acquisition of the necessary competencies and successful realization in the future. Therefore, the required condition is the formation of an integral (coherent) approach to the content of education and the formation of the educational environment. Analysis of theory and practice shows that the STEAM-approach contributes to the improvement of the learning process in the educational institutions, including after-school education, based on the use of five components: Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Mathematics It has been established that steam aims to expand opportunities and areas of work, promoting not only the development of the subject competencies in the field of natural sciences, technologies, engineering, art and mathematics, but also the key competencies that are set to ensure effective child socialization and actively interact with each other. At the heart of large-scale multi-year research, such scientists as N. Balyk, G. Shmyger, Ya. Bykovskyi, N. Polihun, J. Bilyk, V. Zhukova, V. Pikalova, A. David, etc., came to the unanimous conclusion that these components are of great importance in the development of science and society in the future. They are also called disciplines of the 21st century. In the future, they may become the basis for such professions as: chemical engineers, software developers, petroleum engineers, computer systems analysts, mechanical engineers, civil engineers, robotics mechanics, nuclear medicine engineers, architects of underwater structures and aerospace engineers. Special attention in the article is focused on the question of STEAM -approach in the content of the hobby group work on technical creativity.
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7. Pikalova, V. V. (2020) Realizatsiia STEAM-osvity v proiektnii diialnosti maibutnoho vchytelia matematyky [Implementation of STEAM-education in the project activities of the future teacher of mathematics]. Vidkryte osvitnie e-seredovyshche suchasnoho universytetu. Kyiv: Kyivskyi universytet imeni Borysa Hrinchenka. [in Ukrainian].
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