In this article the morphological term creation is analyzed: affixation, conversion, general vocabulary processes and lexical-semantic relations in the English term system of education are also analyzed. The English-speaking terminology system of education is characterized as complex, stable and dynamic. Its elements are units of autochthonous language and borrowing from other languages, and the structure is isomorphic to the structure of logical connections between the concepts of the field of education. This term system is an open set, which draws from the whole variety of language tools new opportunities for expressing the values arising in the process of further development of educational activity. Semantic terminology has always been one of the main ways to replenish terminology. As a result of the semantic method of terminology, the terminological meaning is exhausted on the rights of the lexical-semantic variant, which develops on the basis of the adjacency of the signs of what is already indicated in the previous meaning of the word and the new one, which is denoted.
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