Keywords: Anthropocene epoch, human rights, humanization of the economy, socio-economic rights, sustainable development, economic relations


The article is devoted to the search for formal criteria of economic humanization in the new millennium. The fields and limits of a human-oriented economy are defined as such criteria. Fields of economic humanization are considered as a system of economic relations in which socio-economic human rights are realized. As the results of comparative analysis, it is established that the list of socio-economic human rights is characterized by constant development. The set of these rights is most clearly outlined today in the Sustainable Development Goals. It is emphasized that due to a set of preconditions of objective nature (political, economic, biological, natural-ecological) humanization processes in the economy must be reasonable and rational, i.e. in some way limited. The limits of economic humanization are interpreted as restrictions on human-centered evolution of the modern economy caused by the need for sustainable economic development. It is argued that the principle of parity and proportionality between the factors of economic development and the factors of economic humanization should be the basis of economic humanism. It is proposed to take into account international and national factors in the formation of fields and limits of economic humanization. Attention is drawn to the need for a conduct of a separate study of state and legal regulation of fields and limits of economic humanization, in particular in entrepreneurship.


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How to Cite
Kosovych, V., & Kosovych, B. (2022). FIELDS AND LIMITS OF ECONOMIC HUMANISM. Scientific Journal of Polonia University, 48(5), 103-111.