The article is devoted to the model of anti-corruption system building study using State Border Guard Service of Ukraine as an example. The content of this system certain elements depending on corruption risks and the factors that affect them is analyzed. This takes into account the corruption level and its prevention experience in the border guard agencies of some foreign countries. It is noted that the state border protection and defense effectiveness directly depends on the degree of anti-corruption system efficiency rate. A number of theoretical and applied nature conclusions are formulated. Among them are the following ones: State Border Guard Service of Ukraine anti-corruption system is characterized by international, domestic and departmental institutions and instruments interaction. It is a part of domestic anti-corruption system and includes such elements: object, goals, principles, legal framework, participators and prevention measures; range of participators involved in State Border Guard Service of Ukraine corruption prevention extends beyond the borderguard agency. It is proposed to consideranti-corruption participators powers based on such classification: 1) international actors; 2) domestic actors: governmental institutions (special anti-corruption authorized agencies and state bodies involved in the corruption prevention); departmental bodies for corruption prevention; non-government organizations, individuals and legal entities; corruption prevention in State Border Guard Service of Ukraine should be based on selfservice activities for integrity and staff corruption resistance level increasing. Combating illegal activities at the state border is also actual for anti-corruption objectives achieving.
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