The article is devoted to the study of the use of artistic means of visualization, namely visual metaphor and personification in the discourse of French social advertising. The artistic, rhetorical and stylistic features of the use of metaphor and personification in advertising discourse are demonstrated on concrete examples of advertising messages of modern French advertising, taken from print and Internet sources. In general, the discourse of modern French social advertising is rich in artistic means. Many examples of figures of emphasis or understatement, figures of construction and figures of speech were found in the analysed corpus of advertising messages. However, in our opinion, the use of figures of speech, such as metaphor and personification, gives advertising more vivid clarity and imagery, and is therefore the most effective in achieving the final goal of the advertising message – to influence the potential reader. The research demonstrates that the most characteristic of French advertising discourse is the use of zoomorphic metaphor and subject metaphor. The second visual stylistic figure frequently used in French advertising discourse after metaphor is personification. The use of personification is typical of the discourse of French social advertising, as the authors of advertising messages tend to give certain phenomena or objects human qualities.
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