Keywords: culture, Europe, humanism, anthropocentrism


The aim of this paper is to investigate the influence of European culture on the formation of Ukrainian literature of the 14th-16th centuries. It is emphasized that the paradigm of Ukrainian Renaissance literature is a synthesis of original native ideas and Western European culture. The specific of Ukrainian boundary is represented in the absence of Ukrainian state, confessional pluralism, multilingualism, syncretic character, the popularity of humanism, and anthropocentrism. The identification boundary identity as a key feature of the Ukrainian Renaissance literature is also based on geopolitical location of the country. Methods used in the study: general scientific method (synthesis and generalization), systematic functional, textual method, and systematic descriptive. The comparative-typological and philological methods are used for the analysis of works where the border identity is represented. It is also applied the principles of socio-cultural and historical-typological analysis. The determining factor in the work is the historical and literary approach, which is based on the synthesis of cultural theories and literary analysis.


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How to Cite
Lisovska, O. (2022). THE BOUNDARY OF UKRAINIAN RENAISSANCE LITERATURE. Scientific Journal of Polonia University, 49(6), 47-55.