The article considers the issue of adaptation of foreign students to the language, sociocultural and everyday environment for further professional training in higher education institutions of other countries. Further integration of national economies into the global world economy creates the preconditions for the emergence of a global labor market, which in turn requires a significant number of professionals who can design and implement ambitious largescale projects. This requires a coordinated work, a high level of communication (especially speaking and communicative) to work in international multi teams. This has created a demand for professionals who have the appropriate training, regardless of the place of education, knowledge, skills and competencies, which require some unification, universalization and standardization at the national level. Further formation of the world global educational space. This requires a high level of communicative, linguistic and speech competences (knowledge of the language at the scientific level) of future students for their professional training outside their country, which needs the appropriate speech adaptation in a foreign language environment. To achieve this goal, it is proposed to carry out adaptation with the help of online (virtual) preparatory faculties (hereinafter – OVPF), which takes on all issues related to the adaptation of future foreign students in the new linguistic, scientific, sociocultural, everyday dimensions, as well as in further educational spheres (medical, humanitarian, physical-mathematical, linguistic, etc.). The introduction of the online (virtual) preparatory faculties makes it possible to adapt future foreign entrants / students at their homes. An important element of the preparatory faculties are local lore studies. At the same time, OVPF is proposed as a separate universal global educational product that can be placed on world educational platforms, portals and websites.
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