Keywords: civil service, judiciary, state power, public administration, theoretical foundations


The article is devoted to the study of the main properties of the civil service in the system of judicial authorities of Ukraine. Theoretical achievements and some legislative norms of formation and functioning of the civil service are outlined in detail. In the context of the conducted scientific research the theoretical bases of civil service in the direction of historical formation, methodological and legal analysis are distinguished. Definitions such as "civil service", "service", "civil servant", their place among the conceptual apparatus in the field of functioning of state bodies are studied. The main differences and similar features of civil service and public service in the judiciary are described, a number of features of civil service in the judiciary are reflected, the status of a civil servant is defined, in particular, in the judiciary, some auxiliary aspects of civil service settlement are given. The definition of the term "civil service in the system of judicial authorities" was formulated and proposed, which allowed to single out and characterize its main features.


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How to Cite
Hladunova, O. (2022). THEORETICAL FUNDAMENTALS OF CIVIL SERVICE IN THE JUDICIARY IN UKRAINE. Scientific Journal of Polonia University, 49(6), 106-117.