Rural development is largely determined by the use of more advanced forms of management, which ensure the effective use of the economic mechanism in specific production conditions. The system of agricultural research and education in the field of agricultural economics does not yet contribute to the maximum development of the agro-industrial complex. It absorbs a larger share of budget expenditures on agricultural GDP and as a percentage of total GDP than in other countries in comparable countries. The author identifies a number of unresolved issues of legal, organizational, technical, scientific and methodological, analytical, resource support for the development of the information society. The aim of the article is to study the current working conditions of information and communication support in Ukraine, to emphasize the main results of information and consulting services in Poltava region, their international cooperation and contribution to the spread of new information technologies in the agricultural sector. It is determined that improving the quality of information and communication software can play a crucial role in improving the efficiency of agricultural enterprises in Ukraine. The implementation of information and communication technologies and their widespread use in various spheres of human life, society and the state is one of the most important tools that contributes to raising the level of economic, social, cultural and technological development.
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