The article considers the recreational component of training and pedagogical practices of cultural and sports institutions of Ukraine. In this context, attention is focused on the practical activities of cultural and sports institutions as discursive practices. It is noted that the basis of the practical activities of cultural and sports institutions is a popular music and dance media culture, combined with fitness and other types of sports training. It is proved that the discursive practices of Ukrainian cultural and sports institutions form the methodology of recreative choreography, it means, the system of exercises and dance movements, each of which contains recreational components. There have been identified methods and techniques of the training and pedagogical process, which have absorbed both elements of classical choreography and purely gymnastic and acrobatic exercises with the use of functional training. An important way of “dance and health” dance and movement therapy as a means of achieving rehabilitation treatment, as one of the schools of psychotherapy. The choreutic concept and methods of movement analysis by R. von Laban and J. Longstaff are analyzed. An important recreative aspect of the practices of cultural and sports institutions – cognitive regulation of the mental state of a person – has been studied.
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