The paper studies the innovative projects in the development of personality through the prism of all levels of education in Ukraine in the process of professional training of pedagogues of preschool education institutions and higher school. Problematic issues concerning on theoretical and practical training of pedagogical workers of preschool education institutions and higher school are investigated. The pedagogical conditions of creation of professional competence of pedagogical workers of preschool education institutions and higher school are investigated. It is established that the reform of education in Ukraine involves a radical restructuring of the management, which requires a significant increase in the professionalism of management. The experience of applying pedagogical innovations in the training of future pedagogues of preschool education institutions and higher school is analyzed including multimedia lectures, interactive communication, game modeling, innovative projects, trainings. It is established that the use of practiceoriented innovation projects in the training of future pedagogues of preschool education institutions and higher school allows them to more fully develop their professional needs and interests, helps to acquaint with the specifics of professional activities, arouses interest and need in the formation and application of innovative technologies. The characteristic features of STEM-education have been identified, which are important in the training of future pedagogues of preschool education institutions and higher school. It is investigated that an important tool on which the effectiveness of the development of the professional position of pedagogues of preschool education institutions and higher school depends is the constant self-improvement of professional activity. The functions of the process of self-improvement of the pedagogues professional activity are determined. Thanks to the update of the Laws of Ukraine “On Preschool Education”, “On Education”, “On Higher Education” and the implementation of the National Doctrine of Education for 2021-2022, the Concept of ”New Ukrainian School", the Concept of Pedagogical Education received positive results education and higher education.
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