As the title implies the article addresses the subject of STEM-education principles in foreign-language professional communicative competence building. Particular attention is given to the STEM-approach implementation at the non-language faculties, by psychology and physical rehabilitation students, in particular. The investigation summarizes some of the results already achieved in this field and present different researches’ views on the given topic. The paper is interdisciplinary in nature and written at the turn of various fields of science: humanities, social, natural, computer and information sciences. It is stressed that STEM is not a separate discipline but a kind of knowledge integration that allows synthesizing of multiple knowledge models into a common one. The articles attempts to reveal the key stages of STEM-education elements application. It is drawn the attention that STEM-oriented approach in language learning create innovation environment where students develop in equal measure hard- and soft skills, uncover their creative capacity and engage in collaboration and networking. The research distinguishes and analyzes the characteristic features and the role of the project method in STEM-oriented learning. Considerable attention is paid to the specific socio-psychological characteristic of Generation Z. It is concluded that present-day education tends to look for the new methods, approaches, technologies and STEM-approach is one of the best ways out in modern educational process modernization and updating.
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