The article highlights the urgency of the problem of forming the emotional intelligence of junior school children in the context of global trends in education in the XXI century concerning paradigmatic changes in the goals and objectives of education, shifting the focus of priority from the field of subject knowledge to socialization and personal development of students, successful self-realization in society. The emphasis is placed on the fact that the current trend of world educational practice is the evidence of overcoming the technological educational paradigm and strengthening the principles of humanistic-oriented education, recognized as a priority vector for the development of national educational policy of Ukraine. It is emphasized that the state normative documents on the reform of the Ukrainian school use the concept of “emotional intelligence” in the sense of personal, socio-emotional skills required for successful entry, adaptation and self-realization in the society. The essence and key idea of the theory of emotional intelligence are revealed, the scientific preconditions of its creation are specified. It is emphasized that the establishment of humanistic-oriented education aimed at personal development of students, in particular, formation of emotional intelligence of junior school children, requires the search for new approaches to the methodological support of this process. In particular, the unique potential of musical art as a methodological tool for the formation of emotional intelligence of junior school children in the educational process is revealed by its unique nature, functional significance and strength of influence. The main shortcomings in teaching of music in a modern school are outlined. Methodical advice on the use of the potential of musical art in the formation of emotional intelligence of junior school children is formulated.
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