Keywords: lexico-semantic peculiarities, number, numerical phraseological unit, translation, expressions and connotations, commonplace expressions


The aim of this article is to study the lexico-semantic peculiarities of the phraseological units with component number. The symbolic meanings of numbers in the phraseological units are described in this study. Different approaches for determination of the term phraseological units by variety of linguists are considered in the present work. The problem of studying the semantic specificity of phraseological units with different components is cleared up. Numerical phraseological units are studied in the aspect of translation problem. The article includes varieties of functions of numeric words nowadays. Correlations of the terms number and word are studied. The authors also describe peculiar features of the concept number in the culture. The most popular numbers in phraseological units are analyzed. The preferential use of certain numbers in different cultures in relation to the special religions is reported. The article deals with the peculiarities of translation of phraseological units with respect to the language-specific nature. Main ways of translation of phraseological units with numerical component are studied in detail.


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How to Cite
Vasylenko, O., & Khyzhun, Y. (2022). PHRASEOLOGICAL COMBINATIONS WITH THE NUMERICAL COMPONENT: LEXICO-SEMANTIC AND TRANSLATION ASPECTS. Scientific Journal of Polonia University, 50(1), 144-150.