Keywords: ethnic component, language of national minorities, conceptual approach, public policy, State language policy, model of reintegration


The article is devoted to the research of the conceptual approaches the Ukrainian State is implementing. In the prism of legal base and its adjustment, and, a strategy program documents approved by the Government. On the issues, related to the development of an ethnic languages in the view of realization by national minorities their rights. The novelty of the article, it envisages getting to the point by means of the discussion of various models implemented by a State in the regulation of the ethno-political sphere. Thus, the object of the study is the concepts of the public policy, with the State language policy includes. Which resulted in the development by national minorities their native language, in particular as the subject. The aim is to consider the classic models of the ethno-policy set by the UN, and some of those variants proposed and discussed by the domestic and foreign researches. Particular attention given to the tendencies in the Ukrainian ethnic environment caused by the external factors. Due to those, the reintegration model is getting its highest and prior challenge to stand by authorities of Ukraine. Conclusion been drawn on the relevance of Ukrainian conceptual approaches to the international. The promising areas of governance outlined, taking into the account the specifics of the state of modern Ukrainian society.


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