Modern Ukraine is characterized by a period of fundamental changes in state-building and law-making. Since 2014 the ongoing constitutional reform is aimed at optimal organization of local self-government. By searching the ways to decentralize, Ukraine aims to ensure the proper functioning of basic municipal institutions. The united territorial community (UTC) is the primary element of local democracy and therefore plays an important role in addressing issues related to the daily needs of community members. The local level authorities provide ineffective governance and they do not provide the scope of public services that residents need, especially in rural areas. The existence of an underdeveloped health care system in Ukraine has led to low quality and inaccessibility of medical care to the population, especially in rural areas. The beginning of the rural healthcare reform was laid by the adoption of the Law of Ukraine, “On increasing the availability and quality of medical care in rural areas.” The system for high-quality and affordable healthcare to rural residents can be created by: 1) optimizing delivery; 2) training; 3) access to specialized facilities; 4) telehealth; 5) creating appropriate infrastructure; 6) working conditions and living standards for healthcare professionals; 7) preventive measures for public health; 8) ensuring interaction between central and local executive authorities. UTCs must utilize the powers granted to them by law to create a client-oriented system of public administration while protecting citizens’ constitutional rights – particularly their rights to health protection and healthcare.
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