Keywords: religious freedom, registration, religious organizations, regional policy, state–religion relationships


The article considers the issue of the creation and registration of religious organizations and the acquisition of the status of a legal entity. The main problems faced by religious organizations in the process of state recognition are considered. The methods of state registration of religious organizations depending on their type are described, the powers of regional and central executive bodies regarding the legal recognition of religious organizations are outlined. Proposals have been made to amend the current legislation to create a transparent process for registering religious organizations. The article defines religious organizations in Ukraine such as religious communities, centers, administrations, monasteries, church unions, missions, theological educational institutions, organizations, and associations. As the registration procedure of religious organizations has two stages of registration in Ukraine, the article describes in detail each of the stages of state registration of religious organizations. The article describes the state benefits that religious organizations in Ukraine can receive after obtaining the status of a legal entity.


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How to Cite
Kotylko, Y., & Ignatenko, A. (2022). STATE REGISTRATION OF RELIGIOUS ORGANIZATIONS IN UKRAINE. Scientific Journal of Polonia University, 50(1), 171-179.