Pet therapy is characterized as a separate area. There are well-developed areas for nowadays: hippotherapy, dolphin therapy, canine therapy, feline therapy. The formation of PET therapy as a separate direction in rehabilitation, psychotherapy and special education from ancient times to the present is considered. The most defining events that affected the development of this area are noted and on this basis four stages in the formation of this area in chronological order are identified (I – unsystematic use of animals in the home; II – targeted use of animals for therapeutic purposes; III – targeted use of animals for pet-therapy on a scientifically sound methodological basis; IV – the modern period of the current direction of PET therapy). It is noted that the current stage is characterized by the fact that the developed techniques are deepening, the scope of application in this area is expanding, the probable risks are taken into account, research in PET therapy is characterized by a significant volume and thorough methodological approaches, and so on. The state of development of this direction in Ukraine is estimated. It is noted that Pet therapy is beginning to be actively used in our country. In recent decades, the number of specialized centers for pet therapy has increased significantly, contact zoos are organized at zoos, animals are used in educational centers to simplify the perception of information, and so on. The latest approaches are applied, the latest methods are introduced, resource centers are organized, methodical elements of PET therapy are introduced into the educational programs of specialized educational institutions.
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