• Tetiana Holovkova Dnipro State Medical University
  • Nataliа Onul Dnipro State Medical University
Keywords: psychological microclimate, students, academic group, sociometric method, interpersonal compatibility coefficient


One of the most important conditions for successful student learning and mastering professional competencies is the socio-cultural environment that is developed in the student collective body. The article deals with the current problem of interaction and mutual understanding in the student environment of a higher medical school. The purpose of the study is to determine the indicators of team building and assessment of the psychological microclimate in student academic groups to develop measures to optimize the conditions of their learning. Studies of interpersonal relationships have been provided in academic groups among medical students of Dnipro State Medical University, using a sociometric method (anonymous surveys of students). The results allowed identifying the degree of sociability in groups according to the level of personal compatibility, true leaders, the number of conflicts in groups, their characteristics etc. The analysis of the obtained data not only testifies to the most favourable degree of interpersonal compatibility in student groups, but also presents a range of some interpersonalrelation problems. It necessitates the development and implementation of measures to form a preventive educational space as a prerequisite for effective professional training. An important component of the results is the definition of the psychological “portrait” of the student in the microenvironment, which allows predicting his personal potential for further consideration in professional selection in future educational, social and scientific activities.


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How to Cite
Holovkova, T., & Onul, N. (2022). APPLICATION OF PSYCHOHYGIENIC MEASURES TO OPTIMIZE LEARNING CONDITIONS. Scientific Journal of Polonia University, 50(1), 242-247.