The purpose of the research is to explore the state of theoretical and practical training of future teachers in formation of skills and knowledge for schoolchildren’s health preservation. To implement the research goal, the following tasks have been set: to establish the state of scientific exploration for the problem of forming health preservation competence in psychological-pedagogical research works; to reveal the situation with training future teachers in formation of skills and knowledge for schoolchildren’s health care. To perform the said tasks, the following methods of research are applied: theoretical – analysis of academic sources and literature on the problem of forming health preservation competence in future teachers and healthy lifestyle in schoolchildren; empirical – questionnaire-based survey and mathematical analysis of the obtained results. As a result of the research, the issue of training future teachers in schoolchildren’s health care has been highlighted. Theoretical-methodological aspects of training future teachers for health preservation activities at institutions of comprehensive secondary education have been revealed. The practical importance of forming healthy lifestyle in future teachers in the course of studying medical and biological subjects has been demonstrated.The research involved a questionnaire survey of higher education applicants at the Bachelor level which focused on issues of forming health preservation competence, professional knowledge, skills and habits of maintaining healthy lifestyle for schoolchildren.
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