Keywords: GPS-sensor, data base, class diagrams, knowledge base, decision support, use case diagrams, satellite connection, model-view-controller


This article is devoted to automation of search of routes of passenger flows of inhabitants of the city on the basis of routes of public transport. To do this, it is proposed to use satellite data that reflect the movement of passengers. Based on the analysis of data arrays of information on the movement of cellular subscribers and the use of message messages to determine the effectiveness of passenger routes of public transport, the article proposes to create a system of automatic search of public transport routes, which includes different classes of charts and data bases. You can use data from cellular operators to do this. This can increase the accuracy of certain traffic volumes and the ability to monitor them in real time. Reliable information on the routes of urban public transport allows to determine passenger flows and efficiently perform transport services. The main requirements for modeling the city’s passenger traffic are presented. Methods of obtaining data on determining the city’s passenger traffic and public transport are considered. Documentation for the creation of the ISASR (Intelligent System for Automation Search of Routes) project has been developed. The MVC (Model-View-Controller) architectural template was used to develop the project. Class diagrams and precedent diagrams have been developed for the model. Database structures have been created and vehicle types and user types have been defined. Algorithms for finding routes for different situations, with different latitude and longitude coordinates, as well as different number of stops and transfers have been developed.


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How to Cite
Holyk, O., Zhesan, R., Miroshnichenko, M., & Skalik, M. (2022). INTELLIGENT SYSTEM FOR AUTOMATION SEARCH OF PUBLIC TRANSPORT ROUTES. Scientific Journal of Polonia University, 50(1), 290-301.