Keywords: mythology, symbol, water, fire, mythopoetic picture of the world, linguomithopoetic characteristic.


The article discusses the mythological, encyclopedic and linguo-poetic characteristics of the images of "water" and "fire" in different ethnic groups and societies. The image of "water" is an ancient universal symbol of all cultures of the world, as it is associated with the primordial matter and birth, as a result of which water is considered as the guardian of life, symbolizes its beginning and end. Fire is most often seen as a male substance and as a symbol of vital energy, the heart, the fertilizing force, enlightenment, the Sun. The image of "water" is not a holistic image, it consists of many forms: sea, river, ocean, lake, dew, stream, rain, downpour, thunderstorm, storm, ice, fog, well, spring. The image of "fire" is also objectified by different forms: a fireplace a candle, a flame, a bonfire. Much attention is paid to the description of the meanings of the main linguistic and mythopoetic characteristics of the images "water" and "fire" in the world, as well as in the Slavic mythopoetic picture of the world.


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How to Cite
Demianiuk, A., & Bairam ohlu, I. K. (2022). MYPHOENCYCLOPEDIC AND LINGUOPOETIC CHARACTERISTICS OF THE IMAGES OF "WATER" AND "FIRE" IN WORLD CULTURE. Scientific Journal of Polonia University, 51(2), 40-48.