Keywords: Jack London, motif, adventure novel, love triangle, Maya treasures.


The article is devoted to the study of the work of American writer Jack London and his use of such a literary concept as «love motives». In the works of Jack London, one can often observe a reference to the ancient heroic epic and mythology. It can be said that the Klondike is a kind of prototype of the modern heroic epic and mythopoetics of Jack London, which is opposed to modern Western civilization, creating points of contact and mutual transition between the two worlds. A characteristic feature of the artistic world of Jack London is a branched motivating organization. The article examines the dynamics of love motives in Jack London’s adventure novel «Hearts of Three». The author describes the literary techniques that the author uses to embody love motives. The motives of love in the novel can be found in the monologues of the characters, their actions, words and the construction of the plot, the center of which is a love story. The main means of conveying the feelings of lovers in Jack London’s novel is the dialogue between the characters, because the writer, as a representative of realism, presents people as simple earthly creatures, truthfully depicts reality and doesn’t share romantic feelings and everyday problems, but describes them as they are, without decorations and exaggeration. Honor, dignity and friendship are the main features of the characters, they are guided through life.


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How to Cite
Derii, M. (2022). DYNAMICS OF LOVE MOTIVES IN JACK LONDON’S ADVENTURE NOVEL «HEARTS OF THREE». Scientific Journal of Polonia University, 51(2), 49-54. https://doi.org/10.23856/5106