Keywords: higher education, pandemic, problem approach, COVID-19, training course.


The use of problem-based learning in higher education institutions during quarantine restrictions involves the creation and development of problem situations with their subsequent solution by students in group cooperation. This approach involves working out a high level of self-organization in students, and from the teacher – work to improve methodological skills in the new educational environment. This determined the relevance of the presented research. The conditions created by the COVID-19 pandemic required from all participants in the educational process significant changes in the organization, technical and methodological support of quality educational process, where priority was given to work with generalized knowledge and basic principles of problem solving. The subject of the research is problembased learning as an interactive pedagogical technology that is able to provide quality higher professional education in conditions of quarantine restrictions during the teaching of the course "Research Methodology". The research methodology is based on an integrated approach. Descriptive method, as well as analysis and synthesis are used for the analysis of theoretical and methodological investigations. The paper also uses comparative-historical, comparative methods. In addition, the consideration of research issues is based on an interdisciplinary approach. The result of the study is the establishment of evolutionary changes in the problembased approach used in the course "Methodology of Scientific Research" under quarantine restrictions. Using a problem-based approach in this course is a comprehensive approach to online learning. This will allow students to effectively use research methods, support research activity, independence of thinking and activities in conditions of quarantine restrictions.


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How to Cite
Dyachenko, A. (2022). LEARNING PROBLEMS DURING QUARANTINE MEASURES IN THE COURSE "SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH METHODOLOGY". Scientific Journal of Polonia University, 51(2), 55-61. https://doi.org/10.23856/5107