The article is dedicated to the problem of pedagogical technologies implemented in general secondary education institutions in the practice of forming a socially successful personality of a pupil. The objectives of the research are to summarize data on this problem, highlight the pedagogical potential of the most effective technologies and their successful implementation in working with primary and secondary school pupils. The research applied theoretical and methodological approaches in the formation of socially successful personality – axiological, acmeological, environmental, competence, design and technological, as well as the following methods – theoretical (analysis, comparison and reinterpretation of data) and empirical (event analysis). The author clarifies the essence of the concepts of "social successfulness", "socially successful personality of a pupil", "technology of forming socially successful personality of a pupil", revealed the pedagogical potential of art technologies in the formation of socially successful personality of a pupil, in particular, theater technology, outlined the defining characteristics of training, play, project technologies, "case-study" technologies and the experience of implementation of these technologies is presented. The proposed research highlights the importance of partnership between general secondary education institutions and families of pupils, focuses on the qualities and competencies of pupil's necessary for social success, which are developed in educational institutions using these pedagogical technologies. Based on the obtained results, the important role of pedagogical technologies in the formation of socially successful personality of primary and secondary school pupils is proved.
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