The article deals with the contemporary situation in education sphere in Ukraine, describing the main aspects of STEM implementation. The article analyzes the main aspects of a learning strategy STEM which provides students mainly with an interdisciplinary approach to learning. Both the advantageous and disadvantageous issues of this learning approach are revealed in the article. The peculiarities of STEAM learning method in Ukraine have also been emphasized. In the course of the study, it has been discovered that modern educational system faces lots of challenges and needs to be improved by implementing an interdisciplinary approach to learning such as STEM education that promote not only skills such as critical thinking, problem solving, higher-order thinking, but also behavioral competencies such as adaptability, cooperation, organization, and responsibility. Examples of the implementation of STEM-education in the scientific and pedagogical project "Scientific and methodological foundations for creating an innovative model of STEM education" are presented. Despite the fact that Ukrainian schools are just beginning to prepare for work on the principles of STEM, some typical features of the introduction of STEM education, which is new to us, are already obvious. Significant shortcomings are, among other reasons, an insufficient number of teachers willing to work in a new way, and an insufficient material and technical base. These two aspects partially hinder the introduction of STEM-direction, based on the integration of knowledge, attraction of resources, cooperation of skills.
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