The paper highlights the psychological and pedagogical conditions for the use of ICT tools in teaching syntax and reveals the ways of introducing the experience of using them in the professional training of future language teachers within the course "Modern Ukrainian Literary Language: Syntax". The research literature on the didactic principles of ICT use in the educational process of future teachers, the application of ICT in the process of language training of students-philologists was reviewed. The study stresses the significant role of syntax in the linguistic hierarchy. Syntax helps students get aware of the laws of phrase and sentence structure, their expressive potential and means, and ways of their implementation in any discourse. It is important to follow the provisions developed by M. Zhaldak and S. Selian, N. Berger, Z. Dovedan. The paper outlines didactic principles, methods and techniques of ICT use in the professional training of future language teachers. The paper suggests some criteria for building a system of exercises and assignments with the help of ICT. It describes the ways of applying ICT tools in mixed and distance learning of students-philologists. A system of cognitive, training, research and creative exercises is presented. The study established that the use of digital narrative, mental maps, infographics, flashcards, electronic dictionaries in the training of future teachers of Ukrainian language and literature has a positive effect on students' mastering the educational material, it motivates and stimulates students; encourages students to apply self-cognition, self-learning, reflection, self-improvement; develops critical and creative thinking; offers them different strategies for memorizing information; enables interactive interaction between all participants in the educational process; provides the possibility of interval revision; makes the learning process active and interesting. The prospects of the research are determined in the study.
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