Keywords: tolerance, human rights, civic education, educational process.


The experience of implementing the ideas of tolerance in schools of Ukraine from the end of the XX century to date is presented. In the study, tolerance stands as an integral part of the State standard of basic and complete general secondary education and the result of students mastering training courses on human rights and civic education. A review of school practice suggests that the introduction of tolerance began with the processes of democratization and humanization of education in the late twentieth century and was done purposefully and systematically through the organization of the educational process on the basis of mutual respect, harmony and democracy, and the introduction of separate courses. The authors conduct a retrospective review of the training courses introduced in the schools of Ukraine, highlighting the topics, forms, methods of tolerance formation, as well as various aspects of the implementation of the principles of tolerance. Research attention is focused on the effectiveness of the competence approach in education as a key in the process of forming student tolerance and partnership pedagogy as a necessary condition for learning in a modern school.


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How to Cite
Motuz, T., & Lysokolenko, T. (2022). TEACHING SCHOOLCHILDREN TO BE TOLERANT: THE EXPERIENCE IN UKRAINE. Scientific Journal of Polonia University, 51(2), 272-283. https://doi.org/10.23856/5132