Keywords: AzerTac, media literacy, journalism, education, digitalism, mass communication education


Social life has been in constant change throughout history. Economic, political, technological and cultural advances have affected all societies at different times. Journalism, too, is a profession that emerged in this change and was renewed within the framework of these changes, and it has a very important role in terms of democratization of society. Over time, factors such as the formation of the capitalist economy, the importance of public opinion and the press, the emergence of the press as a sector and its rapid growth, together with the practical education concern for the field, created the necessary social framework for the emergence of communication science and the establishment of journalism schools. Until today, the number of journalism schools in the world and in Azerbaijan has increased continuously in line with the development of the industry. This increase shows the high demand for journalism education. First, journalism is a social phenomenon and because of this feature, it is not static but in constant change. Society and journalism have developed in mutual relations. The newspaper and the journalist itself are a product of the process of social change and journalism practices are shaped within the framework of social change.


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How to Cite
Abdullayeva, S. (2022). THE ROLE OF EDUCATION IN INTERNATIONAL INFORMATION-SHARING SYSTEMS. Scientific Journal of Polonia University, 52(3), 9-13.