The article examines the nature of media genreology as a modern scientific direction and educational discipline in institutions of higher education. The principles of linguistic didactics regarding language teaching and communicative dominant genres of modern mass media in the student audience are being updated. The curriculum of the course “Media Genreology” for students of higher education specializing in “Media Linguistics” at Kyiv National Taras Shevchenko University is detailed. Forms of individual and group work of students in acquiring and practicing the skills of analysis, creation and editing of mass media genres in seminar classes are modeled (face-to-face and with the use of distance learning tools). Research attention is paid to the actual implementation of the functional and stylistic method of social communication analysis in the linguistic didactics of classical university education, particularly in the field of media. In turn, the author's most optimal methods of linguistic solution of professional problems of the evolution of the genre system of media communication, which are learned by students in various forms of classroom work or remotely, are offered. Prospects for the development of media genreology as a dynamic component of the educational episteme in syncretic interaction with other medialinguistic disciplines taught in modern universities oriented to the social demand for high-quality, promising, competitive education are determined.
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