Interest in musical treatises of past epochs is part of the interpretive process of performing early music according to the methodology of historically informed performance. We find in them information about performance practice and music theory of a certain historical time. The presentation of language in treatises also triggers our interest, especially in view of a comprehensive perception of aesthetics and worldview of artists of the baroque time. A feature of the baroque art is its division into high and low styles (high and low baroque). The expressive means of the lower baroque works contain elements of humour, irony and hyperbole. However, the same means can be seen in the works of high style. The object of coverage in the paper is a conscious use of elements of lower style by artists, in particular, the emphasis on the role of humour in musical-didactic treatises of the baroque period. This combination reflects the polarity and contrast of the baroque aesthetics. A take on music theory and performance practice through the prism of laughter and irony will help to identify another spectre of expressive means in the serious genres of baroque music and embody it in interpretation.
2. Campion, Th. (1655). The Art of Setting or Composing of Musick in parts. London.
3. Geminiani, F. (1769). A Treatise of Good Taste in the Art of Music. London.
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6. Marcello, B. (1965). Il teatro alla moda. In O. Strunk (Ed.) Source reading in music history. The Baroque Era. (pp. 158-171). New York: W. W. Norton &Company.
7. Semeniuk, L. (2019). Pryroda narodnoi smikhovoi kultury i yavyshche nyzovoho baroko v Ukraini [The Nature culture of popular laughter and the phenomenon of low culture (the Baroque period) in Ukraine]. Synopsis, text, context, media. 25(1), 23-30. [in Ukrainian]
8. Tsalai-Yakymenko, O. (Ed.). (1970). Mykola Dyletskyj. Hramatyka muzykalna: fotokopiia rukopysu 1723 roku [Mykola Dyletskyj. Musical grammar: a photocopy of the manuscript of 1723]. Kyiv: Muzychna Ukraina. [in Ukrainian]
9. Turner, W. (1734). Sound anatomiz’d in a Philosophical Essay on Music. London: W. Pearson.
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