Keywords: creatively gifted personality, subject of modern cultural space, talent, cultural studies, artistic activity, concepts, socio-cultural space


The article reveals the approaches of scientists to understand the phenomenon of the artist in the modern cultural space. The study considers the definitions of the artist model, as well as their essence. The article proposes the author's definition of the term “Аrtist” in a cultural interpretation. The existence of significant indicators of creatively gifted personality, which are manifested in creative abilities, psychological qualities and value orientations, indicating the high level of the artist in the communicative space of culture. The study is based on general scientific theoretical methods of analysis, which allowed us to work out and explore the concepts of scientists in the formation of the artist model. It has been proven that the artist as a unique creatively gifted personality is the bearer of the initiative principle, the creator of spiritual values and artifacts of culture, which seeks self-esteem in the processes of cultural formation to achieve maximum correspondence in art and culture.


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How to Cite
Lifintseva, O. (2022). THE ARTIST MODEL IN CULTURAL INTERPRETATION. Scientific Journal of Polonia University, 52(3), 77-83.