It is indicated that morality in the traditional national spiritual culture has always had priority in constructing an ontological image of the world. Morality is quite difficult to shape in the conditions of mass culture because it declares the identity of material and spiritual values that act as products of mass consumption. It is pointed out that traditional values have ceased to be traditional because they are unable to meet the contemporary spiritual needs of people. The content and essence of moral norms change with changes in the social life of society. The most important crisis moments in the life of contemporary youth are analyzed. In the 21st century, such manifestations as intolerance, conflict, aggression, terrorism, and war became a particular threat to the moral values of young people. Now morality becomes global as global problems take precedence over regional problems. These are problems like the survival of mankind. Such problems bring with them the need to create a new vision of the world, to create a new moral paradigm that will significantly reevaluate traditional moral values. Such a system should be based on the common interest of human with all their conflicts and contradictions. One of the aspects of shaping the spiritual culture of youth, both innovative and consistent with high moral values, should be considered the conceptual approach within the so-called “culture of peace” that should be pursued not only as the goal of certain shaping influences, but as a strategic resource.
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