Keywords: threats, world-system, environmental security, danger of nuclear conflict, environmentalization, synergy


Today, scientists and public figures are increasingly leaning towards the idea that the new model of globalization characterized by multifaceted nature should be formed in the world. In this context, the criterion for measuring the success of states should not be the desire for high economic growth rates but the possibility of transition to sustainable development models, which pay special attention to environmental globalization. The purpose of the article is a scientific and practical substantiation of the essence, role, and significance of environmental imperative, which will improve the mechanisms and tools for implementing environmental policy amidst globalization processes. Methods used in the study comprise general scientific ones (analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction), methods of theoretical research (from abstract to concrete), and historical method. In terms of the analysis of potential environmental threats and vulnerability, a risk-based approach and world-systems theory were applied. The theoreticalmethodological analysis of the essence of the environmental imperative amidst globalization processes was presented. The reality and scale of today’s environmental threats were proved. The authors formulated a conceptual vision of the scenario of influence events as separate factors that destroy the environment of the whole planet and the danger of nuclear conflict, as well as the synergistic effect of ensuing consequences. The mechanisms and the ability of the country and the world to counter probable environmental threats through identifying their potential vulnerabilities are substantiated.


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How to Cite
Korchak, N., & Kozachenko, T. (2022). ENVIRONMENTAL IMPERATIVE IN THE CONTEXT OF GLOBALIZATION PROCESSES: MODERN CHALLENGES. Scientific Journal of Polonia University, 52(3), 156-164. https://doi.org/10.23856/5220