The article identifies the leading ideas and motives of the Ukrainian Communities, which were determined by the period of social-political changes and the formation of the modern Ukrainian nation in the context of globalization challenges. The factors influencing the activities of the Ukrainian community members have been identified. The main ideas and principles of the Ukrainian civic movement are analysed, as well as love for people as a sociocultural phenomenon and the idea of the community members for national and cultural revival. The approaches to the pedagogical activity of the Ukrainian intellectuals were revealed; the own interpretation of the concept of a "Sunday school" was offered and the peculiarities of the organization of the educational process based on liberal approaches were established. In the conditions of today's geopolitical and military challenges, it is important to understand the original idea of the national revival and to identify the main ways to achieve it. An important factor in the nation-building in the second half of the nineteenth century was the activity of the Ukrainian intelligentsia, which tried to establish ideas for national identification and self-awareness as an independent nation through the enlightenment of the masses. The community members tried to involve the inexperienced peasantry in political life peacefully, through educational and scientific activities and helped them to socialize in the new social conditions, so their activities can be divided into the categories: social-pedagogical and social-political one.
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