The work considers advantages of the geographic information systems use within maintenance of the decision-making and proposes a step-by-step decision-making (SDM) method on the GIS basis. The method allows to search a solution under uncertainty of: a situation, data, models, criteria etc. Conditional division of problems into a series of subproblems solutions allows simplifying greatly the decision searching by a comparative analysis of probable variants of solutions. It allows choosing the best solution at every stage on the basis of a qualitative evaluation of a compliance with the main purpose of SDM and an aim of a particular stage. In case of difficulties with the choice, it is possible to use expert assessments. The decision of the previous stage is the basis for the next stage SDM. Last stage decision will be the main one for the whole research. The method requires high competence of researchers and all the maximum available information in the relevant direction. As experience has shown the method gives acceptable results where other methods of finding solutions are failed.
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