Keywords: Culture, Communication, Intercultural communication, Theory of intercultural communication.


Intercultural communication is the interaction of carriers of different cultures. Man is not the only bearer of culture, biologists and psychologists argue that some animals (in particular, great apes) are able to develop and transmit culture. Intercultural communication (ICC) is a special section of the general theory of communication, which studies – in theoretical and practical terms – the communicative interaction of representatives of different cultures. This teaching aid is intended to acquaint students with the basics of the theory of intercultural communication as a special field of scientific knowledge, as well as with the possibilities of applying this theory in real communication practice. Thus, different animal populations are carriers of different cultures, and the interaction of these groups can also be called intercultural communication. The theory of intercultural communication (ICC), of course, is not concerned with the study of the analysis of animal communication. It is important however, to understand that the ICC is a very ancient phenomenon it appeared simultaneously with the formation of what we call different cultures. The theory of intercultural communication is a discipline that describes the process of intercultural communication, the conditions for its implementation, possible difficulties and causes of communication failures. This article will consider the concept of intercultural communication, key features of the theory of intercultural communication, interdisciplinary connections, the history of this discipline, the scope of knowledge from the field of intercultural communication. However, the theory of ICC as an independent scientific discipline arose quite recently, in the middle of the 20th century. Interest in studying the processes of intercultural communication, in their theoretical understanding arose primarily under the influence of globalization. Transnational corporations are being created, the tourism industry is developing, migration processes are intensifying, more and more people are entering into interethnic marriages, and the adoption of children from other countries is becoming more and more popular.


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How to Cite
Maharramova, V. (2022). CHARACTERİSTİC FEATURES OF İNTERCULTURAL COMMUNİCATİON. Scientific Journal of Polonia University, 54(5), 56-60.