Keywords: distance education, educational learning platforms, foreign language, advantages of distance learning, disadvantages of distance learning.


The article defines distance learning as an appropriate way to reform education and increase learning effectiveness and introduce advanced educational systems. It is emphasized that distance learning is a new organization of education based on the use of both the best traditional methods of acquiring knowledge and new information and telecommunication technologies that have been adopted in education through online learning environments «platforms». It was emphasized that Skype and ZOOM are the most common platforms for conducting classes that are used today in Ukrainian educational institutions. The advantages and disadvantages of using distance learning in the process of learning foreign languages are highlighted. Among the main advantages, we named the following: a great chance to learn from home, pursue his choice of education at any time of his life, flexibility in a distance learning program, and others. The main disadvantages are as follows: the physical aspect of learning, students have to master a lot of theoretical materials on their own, lack of live communication, cheating, etc. The role of the teacher and students of higher education in the educational process is defined.


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How to Cite
Nesterenko, I., & Pavlyuk, V. (2022). PECULIARITIES OF DISTANCE FOREIGN LANGUAGE LEARNING. Scientific Journal of Polonia University, 54(5), 67-71.