The article is devoted to the problem of formation the innovation model of adult education development. The author determines that in order to form an integral, open and effective national system of adult education, which would fully cover the formal, informal and information components and would be aimed at satisfying the educational needs and potential needs of adults, there should be proposed to develop the innovation model of adult education development. The proposed the innovation model of adult education development should be consolidated on objective changes in the educational sphere, on achievements of science in the context of personal awareness of own life activity, and on fundamental differences between adult and underage person. At the same time, the proposed innovation model of adult education development should be aimed at overcoming the contradictions in general education system of Ukraine. The innovation model of adult education development is based on the combination and formation of the integral system of development, namely: regional development of adult education system, high-quality and modern educational services, transformation and expansion of adult education content, as well as development of international cooperation in adult education. Implementation of such organizational and innovative model allows to define qualitative ways of effective use of regional and national potential of educational space according to the needs of the market.
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