Keywords: higher education, technology, moral responsibility, professional ethics, ethical disciplines, ethical competence, value orientations, modernization of higher education, educational environment of technical higher education institution, criteria of professional ethics.


The most modern renewal of intellectual resources of our country begins first of all with the renewal of all levels of the education system. Special attention is paid to higher education and the choice of priorities for its qualitative change: intensity and efficiency of the cognitive process. Understanding by a technical university student of the reasons for the contradictory views of our contemporaries on traditional morals, morality, values, etiquette is a real need that allows him to avoid illusions and stereotypes in his professional activity. The ability of a future programmer to work effectively in a team, to communicate both within his profession and in society as a whole, following the rules of morality and morality, is formed during the study of ethical disciplines, especially professional ones. The need to teach ethics of professional activity in higher technical educational institution forms personal and social competences of future specialist as the most important element of professionalism (D’yachenko, 1976). The article is devoted to the problem of the need to introduce professional ethics for students in technical higher education institutions. The emphasis of the work is on the need to strengthen the educational component in the system of higher education. To solve the problem, it is proposed to more actively introduce an ethical component into the professional training, which includes not only students' comprehension of the codes of professional ethics of future programmers, but also consideration of social and ethical issues related to IT activities and moral assessment of technology in general.


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How to Cite
Shostakivska, N., & Savina, I. (2022). THE NEED TO TEACH PROFESSIONAL ETHICS FOR FUTURE SPECIALISTS IN TECHNICAL HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS. Scientific Journal of Polonia University, 54(5), 89-94.