The present article deals with a meaningful unit of a language, i.e. a sentence. Considered in terms of its hierarchical relationship to other units of language structure, a sentence must be placed at the top of the pyramid formed by these units, since the purpose of all other structural units is ultimately the formation of a sentence. A sentence is a concept of wide scope, covering a wide range of sentence structures from single-word to complex polypredicative constructions. The purpose of the investigation is to study a sentence from different points of view. The article explores the three aspects of the sentence: structural, semantic, and pragmatic. They are the main ones since they cover three main aspects of a sentence: form, content, and use. A sentence is the product of the creative activity of the author of the statement. It is the most complex unit in the language system. The complexity of the sentence lies in the multiplicity of its components, the number of which is not structurally limited in the sentence: the sentence can be large and any sentence can be continued indefinitely, although the number of elements making up each sentence is final. The complexity of this unit is connected with the diversity of the mutual relations of the elements making up the sentence. It is a minimal syntactic construction used in acts of speech communication, characterized by predictivity and realizing a certain structural scheme. Intonational design is an essential feature of any sentence. In the language relative features of such design are more important than absolute ones.
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